Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Day out after church
My Lil Mui Mui -- 6 1/2 months old (in the womb)
Mama merely wants to be dead sure so her shopping won't be in vain--she bought some girly stuffs. Stuffs that a boy can never wear, like dresses and white lacy shoes! So each time, after Dr Cheng confirms that it's still a girl, (and boy, he had that look of displease on his face too, as if Mama doubt his skill or the high tech equipment he had just upgraded) Mama would be so motivated to shop and look at girls stuffs even more! (Papa rolling his eye balls)
Being another girl means kinda cost saving in a way. Mui Mui will get lotsa hand-me-downs from me. Clothes, toys and etc. So during this sale period, my parents conscience kinda kick in a bit. Even my ever prudent Papa thought of splurging a bit to get mui mui new mittens, booties and baby toys just to give her something new. But of course, each time, they evaluated and thought it wasn't wise to spend that extra money since we already have sufficient.
So now, Mama is more particular in her selection of new items for me. She will try to get clothes, books or toys that are really pretty or nice so that mui mui can benefit from them too! Oh well, hopefully, they last till mui mui is old enough to use them, that is. I tend to dirty my clothes or spoil my toys easily! :P
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
My Parents' Anniversary Family Portrait and Today's Parent
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Yeye's 59th birthday
We celebrated Yeye's birthday on Monday. Yeye took leave with the intention to bring me out in the day for a fun time. But I was not feeling well. So I had to rest at home. And Yeye helped Nai Nai to look after me. Later in the night, we went for a quick dinner at Pasta de Waraku. Then just as fast as we got out of the house, we reached home rather quickly too for cake cutting. I could hardly keep awake because the medication kept me drowsy. I dozed off when they were having dinner till we got into Yeye's car.
Mama had planned to help me make something for Yeye actually. But I was not feeling too well to do it. Maybe next time......Sorry Yeye....
Mama had planned to help me make something for Yeye actually. But I was not feeling too well to do it. Maybe next time......Sorry Yeye....
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Virus, I hate you!
Mama and me have been sick since last week. Mama had bad flu and bacteria infection of the throat. But she's better now. I am having high fever, up and down since last Sunday. Highest record was 40 degrees. It doesn't help when it's accompanied by phlegmy cough and flu.
Think we crossed spread to each other. And I hate taking anti biotics! Only Papa and Yeye can feed me because Nai Nai doesn't have the heart to as I will beg, jump and cry. Mama will lose her patience and get frustrated because it pains her heart too. So only the 'big' guys in the house can do it well.
And I've learnt new "tricks" to avoid taking it. I'll cry, "Ouch! Pain! Pain!" When one of them just touch me (one needs to hold me down). But it was just a very gentle touch. Hehehee...guess this didn't work much as they had seen through it already. Sigh....then I tried saying, "Wait, poo poo." And on the first time, Papa believed me. Then he grew smarter, because nothing came out! So it didn't work too.
I tired saying, "Don't want medicine. Sticky sticky!" The medicine has this powdery white texture. Yucks! Sigh, now I must think of another excuse! But apart from medicine taking time that is torturous for all, I have been quite cheery at Nai Nai's. Last night, when the were having dinner, I entertained them with my self improvised songs!
I have been sick about 4 times only after 2 1/2 months of starting school. Praying that my body will build up the immunity soon. And the adults are thinking of bringing me to Chinese Sing Seh to "tiao" my body. Hopefully, it's not an expensive option.
But Mama thinks it's worth a try because she also hates seeing me sick. Taking medicines is really like watching a torture session going on. Sometimes takes 4 people to do it. One to pin me down, one to force feed, one to attend to the mess and one to sayang me after the ordeal. Sigh......that is why Mama gets upset when parents of sick children irresponsibly bring them to school or out in public to spread virus! I think so too. I think we need to be educated to have social responsibility.
Mama's motto, "Do to others, what you want others to do to you."
Think we crossed spread to each other. And I hate taking anti biotics! Only Papa and Yeye can feed me because Nai Nai doesn't have the heart to as I will beg, jump and cry. Mama will lose her patience and get frustrated because it pains her heart too. So only the 'big' guys in the house can do it well.
And I've learnt new "tricks" to avoid taking it. I'll cry, "Ouch! Pain! Pain!" When one of them just touch me (one needs to hold me down). But it was just a very gentle touch. Hehehee...guess this didn't work much as they had seen through it already. Sigh....then I tried saying, "Wait, poo poo." And on the first time, Papa believed me. Then he grew smarter, because nothing came out! So it didn't work too.
I tired saying, "Don't want medicine. Sticky sticky!" The medicine has this powdery white texture. Yucks! Sigh, now I must think of another excuse! But apart from medicine taking time that is torturous for all, I have been quite cheery at Nai Nai's. Last night, when the were having dinner, I entertained them with my self improvised songs!
I have been sick about 4 times only after 2 1/2 months of starting school. Praying that my body will build up the immunity soon. And the adults are thinking of bringing me to Chinese Sing Seh to "tiao" my body. Hopefully, it's not an expensive option.
But Mama thinks it's worth a try because she also hates seeing me sick. Taking medicines is really like watching a torture session going on. Sometimes takes 4 people to do it. One to pin me down, one to force feed, one to attend to the mess and one to sayang me after the ordeal. Sigh......that is why Mama gets upset when parents of sick children irresponsibly bring them to school or out in public to spread virus! I think so too. I think we need to be educated to have social responsibility.
Mama's motto, "Do to others, what you want others to do to you."
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Mothers' Day!
First thing I woke up, Papa taught me to say, "Happy Mothers' Day" to Mama. So I jumped next to her and said those words. Mama woke up with a big smile and a kiss for me!
After church, we went to Peninsular Hotel for lunch buffet with Po Poh, Gong Gong, Kow Fu and Kow Mo. I was as usual, needed some time to warm up straight after my nap when I saw them. Then I was my "normal" self---cheeky and active as ever.
Po Po took me out to the lobby where I stood on the stairways and started singing, "Rain rain go away..." She wanted to climb on the steps with me, but I stopped her. I told her to stay down there, be my audience!
For dinner, we went Grand Corpthorne for dinner buffet,because Gu Gu had some discount lobang. I was acting up as too many faces to be entertained! I couldn't focus on my dinner and Papa was getting upset with me. Ops! Sorry, papa.
It was a day of buffets for them! This month is Mothers' Day and Yeye's birthday. Next month's Fathers' Day and Nai Nai's birthday--getting confuse already?!?! HEhehehe.....
Kids Kampong
Last Saturday was cell outing at Pasir Ris Kids Kampong. I had a fun time catching longkang fish! Well, I think the mummies and daddies had their share of fun too. I guess it was an adult thing--once they knew it was an activity with a target--catch as many fish within an hour, they were so on the ball! But more often than not, parents would like to get the fish for their kids because the fish were simply too fast for us to catch with a small net! And it would be disappointing to get nothing home, right? Thanks, parents for your effort!
At some point, the adults had to be reminded, by us kids, to RETURN US THE NET AND BUCKET!!! They held onto it for so long that they forgot WE were the reason they were there. Sigh..... Elijah's parents, Uncle Aaron and Aunty Liz were funny. They were so engrossed in getting the fish caught with several tactics that they sometimes forgot about Elijah, who was inching his way into the longkang. HAhahahha....and so he did. I joined him in putting my hands into the water and simply splashed it. What the heck, if we couldn't fish, we had to think of other ways to keep ourselves entertained, right?! And at times, Elijah would use the net to shoo the fish, "Go away!" Hmmm....perhaps, that was why his parents had hard a time luring the fish into the bucket and net?! kekekeke....(oh by the way, we were supposed to use only the net to fish, but the adults had their own "strategy", remember?!)
Then Uncle Adrian, Aunty Elaine and Liz came later because Liz woke up late from her nap. My friend can really sleep man! :) But you know what, Uncle Adrian tried to catch fish but he would had better luck if he was carrying a hangbag! Aunty Elaine caught some fish while carrying doing so, so she was doing it with only one hand! Perhaps, she was the "Kampong girl?" Wahhahaha.....
Papa was named the "Kampong boy" by the uncles and aunties because he was good at catching the fish. Some older kids came to him and pleaded with him to catch for them too! One girl was almost in tears because she couldn't catch any. Some went to the extend to ask for orange fish too! Of course, being bestowed with the honourable title of "The Kampong Boy", he had to oblige. Hehehhee....But he suffered from backache and headache after that.
We also went to feed koi fish, chickens, goose and rabbits. I didn't want Mama to pour out the food for me, so she gave me the whole pack. But I think I fed the ground more than I fed the real pets.
After the fishing, we sat at the lobby and had ice cream and rested. Guess where did we go for dinner?! Fish and Co!!! Just so coincidental that the place was not packed. Of course, we didn't cook our "Grouper", "Snapper" and "Seabass." We had Mothers' Day set menu from them instead.
I had fun, think all of us did. It was an experience I can remember till today. I love to play with my catch at home. Kids Kampong gave us the net and bucket to bring home. So whenever I went to the toilet, I'll "play" with my fish--put my hand inside to disturb them! But today, one fish already died. :(
Oh and Xavier gor gor had fever after that. Xavier gor gor, get well soon! We prayed for you!
At some point, the adults had to be reminded, by us kids, to RETURN US THE NET AND BUCKET!!! They held onto it for so long that they forgot WE were the reason they were there. Sigh..... Elijah's parents, Uncle Aaron and Aunty Liz were funny. They were so engrossed in getting the fish caught with several tactics that they sometimes forgot about Elijah, who was inching his way into the longkang. HAhahahha....and so he did. I joined him in putting my hands into the water and simply splashed it. What the heck, if we couldn't fish, we had to think of other ways to keep ourselves entertained, right?! And at times, Elijah would use the net to shoo the fish, "Go away!" Hmmm....perhaps, that was why his parents had hard a time luring the fish into the bucket and net?! kekekeke....(oh by the way, we were supposed to use only the net to fish, but the adults had their own "strategy", remember?!)
Then Uncle Adrian, Aunty Elaine and Liz came later because Liz woke up late from her nap. My friend can really sleep man! :) But you know what, Uncle Adrian tried to catch fish but he would had better luck if he was carrying a hangbag! Aunty Elaine caught some fish while carrying doing so, so she was doing it with only one hand! Perhaps, she was the "Kampong girl?" Wahhahaha.....
Papa was named the "Kampong boy" by the uncles and aunties because he was good at catching the fish. Some older kids came to him and pleaded with him to catch for them too! One girl was almost in tears because she couldn't catch any. Some went to the extend to ask for orange fish too! Of course, being bestowed with the honourable title of "The Kampong Boy", he had to oblige. Hehehhee....But he suffered from backache and headache after that.
We also went to feed koi fish, chickens, goose and rabbits. I didn't want Mama to pour out the food for me, so she gave me the whole pack. But I think I fed the ground more than I fed the real pets.
After the fishing, we sat at the lobby and had ice cream and rested. Guess where did we go for dinner?! Fish and Co!!! Just so coincidental that the place was not packed. Of course, we didn't cook our "Grouper", "Snapper" and "Seabass." We had Mothers' Day set menu from them instead.
I had fun, think all of us did. It was an experience I can remember till today. I love to play with my catch at home. Kids Kampong gave us the net and bucket to bring home. So whenever I went to the toilet, I'll "play" with my fish--put my hand inside to disturb them! But today, one fish already died. :(
Oh and Xavier gor gor had fever after that. Xavier gor gor, get well soon! We prayed for you!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Miss Bishan
Mama was watching Miss World last week and she didn't realise that I was in my imitating mode again. When Papa came out from the room, he was laughing out loud, that caught her attention.
I was pacing up and down the living room with my hands on my hips, just like those pretty contestants on pageant! Hahahhaaa......and I had a serious look on my face because I was focusing on my walk. So Mama asked me, "Are you Miss Bishan?" I replied as a matter of factly, "Yes." And continued my catwalk.
Now if you ask me to do the "Miss Bishan walk" I will do it, if I'm in the mood, that is. Papa said, I can join pageants next time, provided I don't have to wear skimpy dresses and bikini. Come on, man!
Bubbles at Botanical Gardens
Papa and Mama brought me to Botanical Gardens last weekend. Papa bought me a new bubble gun and we just couldn't wait to try it out. I always love to play bubbles. Only Papa and Yeye are the two main persons that will play that with me enthusiastically too. Whenever I know either of them will bring me to play bubbles, I will exclaim, "Yeah! Blow bubbles! Blow bubbles!"
I had such a great time that day but the heat was a killer. Guess I was overly tired and got very cranky later in the night. 
"More bubbles, Papa!"
Papa chased bubbles with me too! So fun!
Can see the caterpillar hanging from the vine? I was terrified. But seemed like Papa was too!
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