My lil sister and I are indeed same but different. We do look a little alike (when I was a baby, not sure if she grows up and still looks like me or not) but we are so different in our temperament. I was relatively an easygoing and cheerful baby. My cries sounded like a love-me-I'm-so-poor-thing kinda cry. But muimui's cries are loud, strong and gets angrier if adults don't pick her up fast enough! I would get awaken by the slightest sound when I was sleeping, however, my cry would sound more in fear than in anger (like my muimui).

Well, she's still young, let's see if she's really a loud and dominant person when she's older. Hopefully, not. Mama and Papa are praying hard that she's more cheerful and gentle. If not the whole house will be very noisy!! I am already a noise pollutant at home, I think my neighbours can hear me whenever I'm home. So one is enough, if not police will come knocking on our door!

Mama was worried I would get upset if I knew Rae-Ann was lying at my old play gym. But surprisingly, when Mama told me it used to be mine, it didn't bother me. (My parents think that giving the elder one a pressie on behalf of the new sibling helped alot! They gave me a present and said it was from Rae-Ann, I was thrilled and from that day on, my behaviour seemed to show acceptance towards Muimui. I even went to say thank you to Rae without being told after unwrapping the present!)

I wanted to lay inside with Rae-Ann.

Playing with her mobiles! Muimui looked like she was observing me, huh?

2 lil princesses!

(Yawn, not interest with the play gym at all)

Papa said mui mui has a fierce look. Mama said she has a "Don't mess around with me look and temper!"

Hopefully, they are both wrong. But then again, if she's tough, can protect me if anyone bullies me! Hahaha...We will be best sisters together!