Ok, mama said this pic was supposed to be somewhere at the end of this post. But it already took sooooo looong to upload all these pics and she accidentally deleted it when it was uploaded correctly. So when she uploaded this again, it then refused to be moved. Sigh, so she gave up cos it was already 11pm. Pardon her.......
I latched onto Rae's (passed to her) float like my lifeline! kekkeke...My "chicken" instinct kicked in.
Rae, trying to balance as she walked.
Muimui was a lil sleepy, her nap then soon.....z.z..z.z.z
I was scared, but still remembered to smile for the camera!
Papa with Mui.
Family shot. But I was still a little afraid and cling on tight to my mama! She actually told me to move closer to the middle, but I was too scared!
Mama and mui, enjoying.
After our swim, we headed to Jurong Point for dinner. Bad choice, but no choice, since it was the nearest. It was SO crowded! This mall never seemed to change in its crowd-size my parents said. It had been like this since my papa's army days when he used to go there.
We ate at Din Tai Feng. Or rather my parents ate and I napped. Yes, at the wrong time, again.
While I was in lalaland, muimui was happily eating her dinner and playing. Muimui wanted to touch papa's tongue.
Mui pointed at the receipt as if she was reading. She learnt the pointing from mama, I think. Mama always pointed at things to her and explained to her what they were. Especially, during reading time. Mama noticed Mui is quite a fast learner. Very different from me. I learnt fast on things that were wacky, fun, out of the norm and, you know what I mean. Practically, things that weren't academic! Still a little like that now. Oh well, to each HER own! I'm still loved. :)