Happy in the rocker that Aunty Liz lent Rae. Mui Mui always smiles whenever you talk to her. Actually, my parents are very thankful to God that Rae's such an easy baby. She naps round the clock. Wakes up to drink and plays for awhile, then naps again. She drinks well and can sleep through the night, latest by 9pm. But generally, if we are not out, she is ready for bed by 7.30pm, thereabouts. My parents can then look after me or do their chores. Don't know if it's a case of different personality traits or simply different ways of babysitting method (since they have the experience of the first child) that causes Rae and I to be so different.
Mama brought Rae out to do some Christmas shopping alone on one of these days. Amazingly, she managed to buy lotsa gifts within 4 hours and in between 2 feeds of milk for Rae. When I was a baby, she could never do that because I would refuse to lay in the pram if I'm not asleep(By the way, I don't sleep easily when I'm out too).
But as difficult a baby to look after as I was, my parents has no complains. They still think each child is special and unique. I am a gem to them too! As long as we are healthy and growing into a beautiful girl from the inside out, they are grateful.
Looks like papa or mama? Stylo milo attitude!
Chuckling again when mama talked to her.
Gu Niang action?!
Recently, Rae-Ann is trying to flip, but think her bum bum too heavy!
Can only flip to one side and gravity pulls her back again! hahahaa..
My parents brought me to watch Babies Prom concert by SSO last Friday with our cell mates. They just wanted to spend individual time with me because since Rae was born, they have been giving divided attention. So once in a while, it's time for "ME-time!"
As I was medicated with flu medicine, I was very drowsy all the way. Not too keen on the musical pieces even though the conductor was trying to engage all the kids.
It was an eye opener for me because after the whole performance, the kids were allowed to go on the stage and literally touch the instruments. Some musicians would help the kids to strum the strings on the violins or held their hands to touch the trumpets and all. I was just standing there, dazed.
During the performance, I told Mama I wanted to learn the violin. Perhaps, naturally that was my choice because the one at yeye's house is the closest I could relate to. I had been "playing" with it since I was 1 year old.
Then after the concert, we adjourned to Liang Court for lunch at Saizeriya. And all the adults lugged their kids to Downtown East for some fun at the Explorer Kidz! I had fun even though Mama could tell I was trying hard to fight my drowsiness.
Wish muimui will grow up soon to join me in such fun!
Our Names: G1--Evangelia Lum Kay Xun G2--Rae-Ann Lum Kay Yan Our Birthdays: G1--13 November 2006 G2--2 August 2009
Our Place of Birth: Mt Alvernia Hospital
Our Time of Birth: G1--7.52pm G2--9.57pm
Our Weight at Birth: G1--3.32kg G2--2.88kg Mama laboured for: G1--13 hours (natural) G2--Less than 1 hour (C-section)
Name of gynea: Dr. Henry Cheng First person who saw me (other than God & Dr): G1--Papa! And he teared with joy! :) G2--Papa, of course! And he was told I had umbilical cord around my neck twice. (Thank God for His grace)