Well, the whole morning at Yeye's house was full of my whines, cries and mood swings. I would be a social butterfly that morning and fulfill my PR role if not for that fractured arm. After the tea ceremony, my worried parents, especially my guilty Papa (it's ok Papa, I don't blame you), rushed me to see a GP.
Thank God the GP was very pro. Told Papa and Mama what to look out for and explained that it could most likely be a "green stick fracture". Er....Not too sure about spelling of the term, but she meant that it's common for kids like me to suffer from such a fracture if I didn't fall from a height. A pull of the arm or leg could easily cause that, and as quickly as it occurred, it would go off quickly too. And true enough by the next morning, I was back to my nothing-can-stop-me-from-being-active mood.
Poor Papa, he suffered most. Hehehhee...internally, that is. He kept feeling bad because the last time I had to rush to hospital for an x-ray when I was about 9 months old, he also saw me falling down the bed and it happened in only mere split second when he turned his head around.
"Papa, don't feel bad ok? I'm healed by Jesus already! And His angels will watch over me too. I know you are trying your best, ya!?":*