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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Cheerleader Lia...

Mama posted a saved post of "Cheerleader Lia" after some other posts. Please scroll down further to read more! :)

More pics from Aunty Lynne's wedding

Before March in.
3.....4......2...if only there was one more person, can buy 4 D?! :P
During reception--The Jungle Pals, without Jane.
Denzel gor gor looked like a traid boss here. Telling his henchmen where and who to collect his next debt! AHhahaa...As described by his Daddy! He told his Daddy that he was tired but would find a way to "block" his sleep.
March in with Mama.
With Aunty Amy, teaching me new pose.
With Aunty Beca, Amy, Mona and Colleen.
Finally, a picture perfect with everyone!
Mama and Uncle Siak dedicated a song. Mama was so nervous wrecked because she hadn't been singing for a long time. But all for Aunty Lynne, it was worth it.
With Aunty Yenni and her son--Titus. And lil Timmy, Aunty Amy's son! Sleeping again....

Our table of friends. Aunty Lisa was there too.