Here are my Ye Ye and Nai Nai. Nai Nai look after me in the day when Papa and Mama go to work. I love Nai Nai alot. Whenever she's around, I'll stick to her like glue (what's that huh?!)
She always prays with me, sing to me, talks to me lovingly. So you can guess, whenever I want something, who I go too?! Yes, Nai Nai! My rescuer and protector! (Don't tell my parents I said that. Hehehee..)
And Ye Ye dotes on me too! He buys me lotsa toys. The latest gift I got was a tricycle. I can't cycle yet, but got pushed around, better! And whenever I want to go Gai Gai (shopping), I'll look for him because he always brings me to play in the park, garden and shopping malls. Cool!