I took 2 rectangular blocks--one for mama and one for me, and a square block as the "carom" and started to hit it with the rectangular block over to mama. Mama didn't understand it at first. But she played along anyway. I was trying to "teach" her to hit the square block back to me....sigh, some times adults need help at creativity too. Then it dawned on her that we were playing a game of carom! (What took her so long....)
And so, her occupational instinct also kicked in. She took the opportunity to introduce colours to me, calling out the colour of the "carom" as we hit it. It was fun! Though remembering the colours wasn't my objective.
Then mama ran out of energy and passed to a better player--my papa. Papa also creatively played with different colours at the same time. (Maybe men are more ambitious?!) In either case, I must say I had good fun. Mama is proud of my imagination and creativity.
A video of papa and me playing the "carom" game. Notice how I wanted papa to hold the block a certain way. Must follow game rules, you know?!