EVANGELIA = Bringer of Good News

KAY XUN = Declaring that God is Awesome

RAE-ANN = Lamb

KAY YAN = Amazing Grace

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Friday, November 14, 2008

Words from Mama's heart--Happy 2nd birthday!

Wow, it seems like yesterday that you were only in my arms in the hospital ward. I still remembered that Papa teared with joy when he saw you fresh out from my womb. Always remember that he's the first man that cried for you!

You have been a significant part of my life since you were in my womb till today. Though at times, mama is tried out from work, your running towards me and giving me a big hug and kiss never fail to make my day. Mama wanna thank you for being you. You are all I prayed for when you were in my womb; no joke, God is specific!

Mama loves your smiles, laughter, copy cat actions, dramatic whines, happy feet (dancing), strong tight hugs, kisses with a loud "muack" sound and saying, "I u!" Which means "I love you!"

On this special day, I wish and pray that you'll grow up to be who God has made you to be. And that He's blessings and covering will always be upon you. I also pray that God will grant you wisdom, not just of this world, but of Him. Wisdom to know His way and truth so that you'll always choose to be in His will.

"Lord, I thank you for this precious life that you have given me. Thank you for showing me a small fragment of what Your love means through Evangelia. I am blessed to be a mother. I pray that You'll always watch over her no matter where she is. Keep her always in the shelter of Your wings. Protect her from harm and danger. Grant her wisdom so she can walk in Your way and be the woman that You've destined for her to be. Give her good strong health and most of all, happy always. In Jesus's name I pray and give thanks, amen!"

Happy 2nd birthday, darling! Mama loves you! Jesus loves you too! :*

My birthday gift from Papa and Mama--rocking reindeer!