We went Fairprice last night and there were shelves with Halloween items and toys on sale. The first few times I saw them, I ran to Yeye and Nainai for protection against the scary looking things. There were witches' figurines, skeletons, masks, pumpkin carvings, wizard's hats & many more. Spooky! Even Mama thought some of the figurines looked freaky.
But last night, I ran to one of the racks, took the pumpkin bucket and placed it on my head as if I knew it was always there! I happily ran around with it. hahahahaa.....Guess it's something like watching a scary movie for the umpteenth time--you'll get "immune" to the scary moments eventually.
Mama also taught me to say, " Treat or trick?!" But I could only managed to say, "Triky, triky!"
Yeye, nainai, Gugu, Gu Zhang, Papa, Mama and I went on a road trip to Melaka from Saturday to Monday! It was fun and I had a great time wherever I went. Well, like when I was in Phuket (and also in Singapore, duh!) meal times were the most energy and mental sucking moment. My parents had to worry about when and where to feed me so I wouldn't go hungry or clashed with the adults' meal times(because they wanted to try street stalls or others that did not cater for my delicate tummy), or when we were supposed to go on the long journey on the road. (Ok, shall spare you the details. Hard to make you understand if you are not a parent, and if you are one already, you would probably know what I am trying to describe.)
The whole trip for me was great, I must say. Got to play alot with Gugu and Gu Zhang, yes, with some reminders, I managed to call him that instead of "Jack, Jack!" The first day's nap was like in Phuket; I cried when I woke up. My parents and grams were worried and they all took turns to coax me. Papa thought I was suffering some head concussion or something because prior to that, I had bumped my head 3 times! Talk about clumsy. The last one was when I somersaulted face forward from the edge of the bed to the floor! And guess who was there alone with me? Bingo! My papa, again! Ahahhahaaa....don't know why but he seems to be the regular witness of all my major accidents. Hope that would be the last one.
But after a while, Mama recalled I was also crying madly when they went Phuket the other time. I was trying to adjust internally even though externally, people might think I had a ball of a time. Sorry, kids are often very unpredictable mah! And shopping was not very fruitful for Mama. Armed with enthusiasm to grab anything that caught her eyes, she just couldn't find any, except a pair of sunglasses. The rest were just food an snacks. But I was the sole winner! They bought me some toys. Papa had none :( Probably, my parents were too busy caring for me to think about themselves. But they had their fill with good food. Chendol, fried noodles, satay, chicken ball rice, bbq chicken, fried oyster....scrumptious!
I must thank Yeye too. He sponsored our accommodation and though he said to the rest that they could pay for the meal when Papa offered to contribute a bit, he still ended up paying a fair bit for food. That's my kind hearted Yeye lor. Always generous and sacrificial. :)
Looking forward to another great holiday! Where shall we go, huh?! Hmmm...
Oh, Mama is very tired now. She's still downloading the pics from Papa's camera to post. Shall do it another day. Here is a video of me playing the xylophone that Yeye bought for me in Melaka.
I placed the cloth on my shirt. I kept saying, "Wipe. Wipe." Mama and Papa always wipe my body with a cloth after an outing. Role playing?!!
I poured water in and out of a cup, and squeezed the cloth in.
Wet my mouth with water!
Bottoms up!
Mama filled a tub with some water (ops, don't tell my Papa because he may nag at us for wasting water!!!) and threw in some buckets, cups, spoons and cloth for me to explore. I poured water in and out, scooping, squeezing water from the cloth, stuffed it into different sizes of cups and I was having imaginative play. So imaginative that Mama didn't know what I was talking about. I was mumbling away as if role playing.
I had fun, but eventually, it became a water drinking session! ahhhaaa.... I think I drank more water from that tub than from my bottle that day! Thank God we coud trust (keeping fingers crossed) the water in Singapore.
Achievement of the day! Mama brought me to a hair salon for a hair cut and I sat on the chair and got my hair trimmed in a flash, without cries and fuss! Mama didn't even need to sit me on her lap (yippee for Mama because for once she can stay clean!).
Initially, I kept saying, "Don't want. Don't want!" when I was outside the salon. But Mama went in anyway, assuring me that it would be fine and Aunty would give me a lolly. She did, and boy, I was happy.
Mama noticed I looked like I was trying to cope with my fears; I was fidgety and looked everywhere. But she calmed me down with distractions and the aunties in the shop were quite friendly with me. So I settled down quickly.
And the Aunty told Mama to give me a cute cute fringe! Pretty?!
Mama brought me to Aunty Agnes's house today. I played with Joanie and she shared her toys with me. Well, sometimes not immediately but eventually, she shared lah :P I also took the toys into my own possession, when, in fact, they were not mine at all! Hahahhaa....Guess this kinda play dates for kids like us is good. We can surely learn to play well with peers. Just like we should learn to live among other humans, sharing the same world. So, we start small.
Aunty Agnes also cooked my portion of dinner (thanks alot Aunty Agnes!). Delicious brown rice porridge with carrots, broccoli, fish and pork. Wah, full of nutrients! Though I ate it slowly, the usual record of 1 hour, Mama thought I must have liked Aunty Agnes's cooking because I didn't say, "Don't want." Or gave excuses like, "Bao Bao" (full full). I kept eating and eventually finished about a bowl of porridge. Slurp!
After dinner, the kitchen set was my main attraction. I kept pretending to wash hands at the sink! I kept saying, "Wash hands!" I also liked the baby stroller and kept pushing it around. But Mama put it aside because the wheels came apart exposing the nail. So for Joanie and my safety, we couldn't play with it:(
Mama also realised that Joanie is very smart. Can identify letters and sing songs by herself. She quickly learnt the, "Clean up" and "Everybody pack up" songs! Way to go!
Most of all, Mama felt good. Could finally catch up with Aunty Agnes now that Jo and I are older and could play on our own, though not all the time. But to Mama, it was better than our infant stage!
Mama asked me if I would like to go to Aunty Agnes's house again, I replied with a head nod. Before I reached her house, I actually said, "Don't want" in the taxi! Oh, and Aunty Agnes, I can say your name, "Agnes!" At the car park when Papa was sending us back, Mama asked whose house did we go, I answered, "Agnes!" AHhahhaaa....Don't mind me hor, not deliberately called you by name. Just that I tend to say the last word if the syllabus is too long. :P
Video--I was pushing the stroller when Jo "hijacked" it. Then Jo heard her mummy teling her from the kitchen to share with me. So she willingly gave it back to me and nudged me to go push the stroller again. But don't know why, I simply refused. Notice the look on my face, the eyes, especially. Seemed like I was trying to state, "Now then give me, I don't want already." Papa said to Mama, "Like you lor!" Don't know what he meant. But he better explains himself to Mama man! hahahahahahaa.....But seriously, maybe it's time I should learn to be more forgiving and accepts apologies better. Well, I'm just a kid. Give me more time hor. :p
My parents were watching TV one day and when they turned their heads around, this was what they saw! Me, chilling out on the bench by myself, with a sexy pose! I was staring blank with arms folded and legs crossed. Mama asked me if i was angry (because previously I learnt the word, "Angry" with arms folded action), and I just repeated, rather indifferently, "Angry." Hahahahaha...
I self-discovered a fun way to play to keep myself occupied since my parents were busy with chores one day. I took a blue blankey that was used to cover my high chair when I wasn't using, and covered my head with it!
Then I would spin and danced around under the blankey. It was so much fun I kept laughing to myself. HAhhaaaa...Then when Papa and Mama pretended to ask, "Where is Lia Lia?" I would freeze and tried to hide my face, only to show my eyes and peeped at them.
Mama also taught me to use it as a cape and pretended that I was "super girl!" AHhahahaaa....but I think I didn't notice the cape on superman and didn't expond on it after 2 or 3 times. But I was back to covering my head with it, simply loved the game!
Mama collected empty juice bottles that I used to drink as play materials for me. Her initial idea was to stack them up and let me kick them down with a ball--like in bowling concept.
But after a few rounds, I lost my interest. In fact, I wouldn't wait for Mama to finish stacking before kicking them down with my legs!
And one day, I amazed Mama with a new idea to play with the bottles. I sat down and unscrew the bottles. I could do it over and over again. Mama thought that was one good way to improve my attention span, eye-hand coordination and fine motor skill! I also stacked the bottles up so I could kick them, of course! Hehehheee.....
Video--Unscrewing bottle caps; for now I can only do unscrew.
Video--I kicked the bottles that Mama stacked up, "Kick ball!"
Video--Stacking up some bottles, but got irritated when they kept falling off!
Papa and Mama brought me to the zoo again! It was the second time since I went there. But Mama had been there like countless times because of her work with children. But each time she went, the zoo never failed to amaze her of their new things to see. The zoo is constantly changing; the layout, actitivties & etc.
One thing we noticed, the animals like crocodiles, lions, snakes and etc seemed to have decreased in numbers?!?!? Endanderging?!! Or they had died gradually? Hmmm....how come don't buy more leh?!??! Or maybe they were hidden well so we couldn't spot them. Perhaps.
My parents noticed I was only very interested on the elephants, kangaroos and polar bear. I saw some people on an elephant while sitting in a tram and shouted, "Eh e pant!" (Elephant) And I did the elephant action I learnt from Barney. When the tram went passed the elephant, I couldn't lift my eyes away from it!
As for kangaroo, I hopped on the pavement the moment Mama carried me to see them. As I was hopping, I accidentally tripped over my own feet and fell. Ouch! The pavement was rough and my right knee and hand suffered minor abrasion. :( Sigh, I am so accident prone.
And when Mama told me that was a polar bear infront of us, I shouted, "Polar bear! Polar bear! Polar bear!" AS if to wake it up because Mama said it was sleeping. Haahhahaaa....
Oh, and for the first time, I enjoyed KFC like my papa! I ate about half a small bowl of whipped potato and a finger size piece of chicken. Small portion only right? But for me, it was a great acheievement already! I rarely eat much, not home cooked food(except for those Nainai cooked, yummy!), not outside food...nothing. And for that portion, it took me, well, I think it took my parent to be more realistic, about an hour! You need great patience with me when it comes to meal time. But I was enjoying the meal, yum yum!
Said, "Polar bear" at KFC while waiting for lunch. I was looking at the map again.
Time flies, and waits for no man. You are 2 years old today and Mama just wanna thank you for being a significant part of my life ever since you were born. Though Mama feels tired and drained after work, seeing you running towards me with a kiss and hug is all I need to chase all blues away.
You have been a bundle of joy to us all. Always brings us laughter with your cheekiness and dramatic moves. I am amazed at God's love whenever I see your face. You are all I prayed for when you were in my womb: no joke! God is awesome!
So on this special day, Mama wishes you good health, wisdom, God's blessings and covering. And as you grow older each day, you'll not forget God. Be free to be the woman that He has made you to be.
Mama tried painting with me. The last time I did that was many months back and I played for a short while only. I wasn't very keen on it then, plus, the colour was the same colour of the table and I couldn't see the effect (Mama placed plastic sheet on the table; so it was see through).
So this time, Mama bought light blue paint in hopes that I could be interested as the paint would stand out from the table. But she couldn't wait till weekend to try it out with me and did it at Yeye's house this evening. So I did painting with brush and big mahjong paper on the floor.
Yeye's sacrifice his beloved used T-shirt for me as apron in case I stained myself.(yes, apparently my Papa and Yeye are sentimental about old stuffs too! They won't throw old things away even if they can't use them. Unlike my Mama, who likes to psycho Papa to throw useless things away! Ahahhaha, well, useless in her eyes, that is. Then Papa will say his favourite line, "So when you are old, I should throw you away lah is it?!").
Anyway, painting was fun though brief moment for now. Mama noticed I need to repeat an activity such as this one a few times before my attention span grows. This time, I played for about 5 to 10 minutes. But within this short period, I managed to get both my hands, legs and forehead with paint and stamped a hand print onto my own face! hahahahaa....
Mama observed that I am very exploratory. The mess and paint didn't bother me at all (but it bothered her alot man because I accidentally stained her legs. hahahaha...cleanliness freak!)I didn't ask to be washed immediately but was totally immersed into the activity. I didn't even want to use the brush after I noticed it was so much more fun with hands!
Her inference--I am a very hands-on learner. I learn best when my senes are involved. And I am not a cleanliness freak! :P
Papa and Mama brought me to Jacob Ballas last Sunday. It is a garden for children. Indeed, the place has many things that children can hands-on with to learn about nature.
Well, I think it is still too high a level to understand the Science and all for me. But it serves part of its purpose because I am growing to appreciate nature. Mama noticed I love to pick up stones. I used to do that whenever I go Bishan park too. Hmmm....interesting interest hey?!
I saw mini huts, mushroom pavilions, mini waterfall, bridges and a playground too. But the playground is way too big for me and by the time we got there, our (I mean my parents') energy were spent. So I didn't play on it. There was also a water play area. But one of my parents had to supervise me and they didn't bring extra clothes to change, so I didn't play there either! Argh!! Adults can be so troublesome sometimes!
Anyways, I was happy to watch people play. I was dancing around, chasing my own shadow and played in the hut.
On the morning of Gugu's wedding, I accidentally fractured my right arm. Papa was trying to get me down the high stool after washing hands, but I refused, as usual. So he carried me down from the stool and I screamed, "Pain! Pain! Pain!" Then Papa realised my right arm was really in great pain. When Gugu had her ROM last Christmas, I also had an accident the night before. So coincidental?!
Well, the whole morning at Yeye's house was full of my whines, cries and mood swings. I would be a social butterfly that morning and fulfill my PR role if not for that fractured arm. After the tea ceremony, my worried parents, especially my guilty Papa (it's ok Papa, I don't blame you), rushed me to see a GP.
Thank God the GP was very pro. Told Papa and Mama what to look out for and explained that it could most likely be a "green stick fracture". Er....Not too sure about spelling of the term, but she meant that it's common for kids like me to suffer from such a fracture if I didn't fall from a height. A pull of the arm or leg could easily cause that, and as quickly as it occurred, it would go off quickly too. And true enough by the next morning, I was back to my nothing-can-stop-me-from-being-active mood.
Poor Papa, he suffered most. Hehehhee...internally, that is. He kept feeling bad because the last time I had to rush to hospital for an x-ray when I was about 9 months old, he also saw me falling down the bed and it happened in only mere split second when he turned his head around.
"Papa, don't feel bad ok? I'm healed by Jesus already! And His angels will watch over me too. I know you are trying your best, ya!?":*
In the afternoon, back at home. I was playing as usual. But was very delibrate in not using my injured arm. Mama wanted to "test" if I was really ok. So she played nursery rhymes songs. And yes, I was dancing and singing like I always do, except, I didn't move my right arm. So my parents sort of know the pain was not that great. Mama said, "Take photo!" So I leaned against Papa's guitar.
Last Friday was Uncle Jack and Gugu's Chinese traditional wedding. But I had a fracture in the morning before going over to Yeye's house. Sigh, will tell you in another post about this incident.
Here are some shots of the banquet only with unprofessional camera-woman (mainly my Mama). The morning session, well, of course, you can imagine Mama's hands were not so free to take pictures because she was busy handling the cranky whiny me. She was afraid that my whines would interfere with the videographer's filming that she constantly had to carry me away. Though I cried and whined, I still wanted to see the couple. Then it got worse when I just couldn't understand why Gugu and Uncle Jack couldn't play with me like they always do. So, I kept whining for their attention.
Anyway, the banquet was better, at least for my parents. I almost forgot about the pain on my arm but occasionally, would whine a bit if someone touched it. Actually, Papa and Mama thought my arm was better already. They noticed I just whined to people for them to sayang me. Hahahhaa...drama queen.
Thank God my arm is healed by Saturday! Praise God.
And here's wishing my dear Gugu and Uncle Jack a blissful marriage. I pray that they will always put God in the centre of their marriage and home. And God's abundant blessings will shower upon them as they continue to delight themselves in the Lord. And of course, have little cousins for me soon so I will stop terrorizing Happy all the time and play with REAL kids nicely.
Ok, I had allowed (alright, I'm under age so they can decide on my behalf still, that "I" allowed.) my parents to take up this blog space a bit to blog on my Papa's birthday. Yes, again. Sigh... I mentioned on the older post that my parents felt "empty" without taking me out that day. But soon, Mama reflected and thought I should know that I have loving parents. Parents that bothered to spend time nurturing their marriage even though they have a kid already. And I can't agree more. Sometimes, when they argued in the car, I would cry. I would call out for them, as if begging, "Please, the two of you. Stop arguing. I am feeling scared."
Mama: "Yes, Lia. We want you to know that Papa and Mama love each other, that is why we have you. And though we are not perfect, we will try our best to demonstrate a little reflection of God's love to you through our lives; our lives as first husband and wife, and then your father and mother . It is because of this that God made Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Cain or Able (their sons). So know that you are the product of love. :) Papa and Mama had lunch at Holland V. Not bad a meal. But too bad, couldn't recall the name of the restaurant. Then went bowling at SAFRA, Mt Faber. Not bad, Mama lost not much (to her lah) to Papa, but still beat her own record score. But Mama suffered slight bad and arm ache after that. Sigh, old liao. Papa as usual, "smelt" the "fragrance" of arcade and followed his instinct. He played a few games but thought he had lost touch with his early glorious days' standard. ahhahahaa....Old liao also.
My parents brought me to Botanic Gardens on Children's day. We actually wanted to go to Jacob Ballas after picnic (because the guard said no food and drinks inside the children's garden), but 2 unfortunate things happened.
After walking quite a fair bit from the car park, we finally reached a cosy grass patch near the big pond. Sat down on a mat and started eating happily. Suddenly, mama felt her shorts wet. Nope, she didn't pee in her shorts. It was the grass patch. It had rained before we went picnic so the grass was moist and got through the lousy mat. Papa then realised his pants was wet too (what took him so long?? Tough butts, perhaps!?.
Then they wanted to ignore it and continued to enjoy the picnic, not an easy thing for my "cleanliness freak" mama, ok?! Then it started to drizzle! So we had to dash somewhere for shelter.
Sigh, so the picnic was over in less than 1 hour. But it's ok. We'll be more prepared next time. And Papa will know where to park his car nearest to Jacob Ballas too.
Our Names: G1--Evangelia Lum Kay Xun G2--Rae-Ann Lum Kay Yan Our Birthdays: G1--13 November 2006 G2--2 August 2009
Our Place of Birth: Mt Alvernia Hospital
Our Time of Birth: G1--7.52pm G2--9.57pm
Our Weight at Birth: G1--3.32kg G2--2.88kg Mama laboured for: G1--13 hours (natural) G2--Less than 1 hour (C-section)
Name of gynea: Dr. Henry Cheng First person who saw me (other than God & Dr): G1--Papa! And he teared with joy! :) G2--Papa, of course! And he was told I had umbilical cord around my neck twice. (Thank God for His grace)