I had cell group last Saturday at Aunty Vivien's house.

Playing with Heidi's toy.

Actually, the cell sharing was going on amongst the adults. But parents with kids like us have master the art of talking and child minding at the same time. Amazing skill God can give to parents, huh?!

And yes, the sharing was still going on while I disturbed Papa.

Piggy back on Papa too.

Look at the mess on the floor!

Sharing session was over, then it was makan time! And that's Papa, playing with Xavier's gorgor's transformer! What's new?!

So sweet of Aunty Vivien. She made Tiramisu for us and one "child-friendly" one without alcohol and coffee. The first time she made, only Papa and Mama were there. But Mama just knew she was having another baby so couldn't eat because of the alcohol content.
So she gave a tub all for Mama to bring home! (Thanks, Viv!) Yum! Yum!

Then I spotted this Audi kiddy car in one room and "helped" myself. Cool car, right?

I was "driving" my first Audi when I couldn't help but look down at the swimming pool. Papa had told me I could swim when we were on our way to Aunty Vivien's. I was so excited along the way in the car, kept shouting, "Go swimming, yeah!" And I also pointed at other condos and said, "Swimming, yeah!" Mama wondered how I could tell these buildings were condos just like Aunty Vivien's house???

Then soon, little Heidi and Elizabeth joined me in looking the pool too.

Lia: "So nice if we could go into the water, right, guys?!"

Then Elijah (at the back) also wanted to take a look.....

Cake cutting ceremony! Aunty Vivien's birthday also in February! Happy belated birthday, Aunty Viv!

Xavier gorogor was trying to decorate the cake further with his dinosaur!
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