Mama said, her morning sicknesses had always been on the higher end of the horrible spectrum and only a woman who had gone through it would truly understand the agony.
She was very stressed because now she had to worry about me (caregiving and wellbeing) and tiring out Papa. They had to postpone my school enrolment plan for fear that I might not be able to cope emotionally, which turned out to be true. She also couldn't rest well and in peace like when she had me. Poor Mama. I must tell my Sai Lo or Sai Nui to be really good next time.
Papa had to do ALL the chores at home; cleaning, cooking, marketing, take care of me...etc. He is zonked out too.
Worse when I had stomach flu 2 weeks ago. I vomited and had diarrhea that spread to Papa and Yeye. We were praying hard that Nai Nai would withstand the virus because if not, no one could look after me since Mama was down. Thank God, Nai Nai is fine! God is good!
But during my sickness, I started to cry when I had to go home from Wednesday to Saturday nights to sleep. I cried miserably for Nai Nai. Mama said I must be feeling lost and insecured because life with my parents were not the same for the past 1 month. We didn't go out during weekends, we couldn't. Papa was always like a busy buzzing bee at home doing chores after chores and Mama was held captive to her morning (more like all-day) sickness. So for a sociable and active toddler like me, I quickly felt the change and difference.
Guess only at my grams', I could feel everything was "normal"--so I felt more secured. Going to sleep for the past 2 weeks was also buzzard for my parents. I would whine and cry in the middle of the nights for countless times due to my insecurity. You could imagine Papa crumbling as he needed to work the next mornings. My poor Papa. I will tell him I love him!
But thank God, yesterday, Mama felt so much better. She could eat and didn't vomit! I pray that she will be back to normal again and play with me soon. God is always good!
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