Papa and Mama brought me to Crocs sales at Expo last week and they bought some shoes and clothes for the whole family--mainly for me to be exact. Papa could tell it was a good deal sale and things were a great buy just by looking at his wife, aka, my Mama. Usually, Mama would give up going near a sale section once she sees a crowd. The bunch of don't-stop-me looking women rummaging through trolleys or racks would usually cause Mama to move far far away--not worth the shoving and pushing like ah soh. Worse if I was around to make the shopping close to impossible.
But this time, though they had to queue for about a total of 2 hours just to get in and then pay, it was really worth it (real shopping was less than about 45 mins only). Well, observing Mama's determination, it MUST be worth it! hahahah...And yes, there were shoving and pushing, sigh, these ah sohs....some people like them are here to stay I think. Don't know why the need when they could have just shop politely and made the whole thing more pleasant, right?!
Anyway, as for me, I was happy trying on shoes after shoes, sitting on a shoe box! Brilliant idea Papa had to keep me from running wild.
Top and bottom from Crocs!


Dancing in front of Barney show. Imitating the actions.
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