An update on my muimui--Rae-Ann. She's still not sleeping through the nights. Only on good nights, she will wake up at 4am or 5am for 1 milk feed. Other than that, she cries for milk or attention at 2am, 4am, 6am and then 7am. Parents have the toughest job on earth.
But on the whole, she's a toughier. Unlike me, I fall sick easily, even when I was her age. But Rae would not be under the weather for more than 3 days, except for the last she had--fake measles.
She is learning to walk now. She can actually walk without assistance but I think she's afraid of falling. She will request to hold hands. She loves books, can sit in the car throughout the journey just flipping and staring at books when she's not fussing. She learns very fast and you can see her immediate application. For instance, she points to her head, mouth, tummy etc when asked. She can imitate the sound of a cat, lion and crying baby if she sees the pictures/objects, or when you ask her. Depends on her mood to respond though. If you see the picture above, she was trying to imitate me fixing the lego. She tried and tried at it for awhile.
She can also sit by herself and play without needing someone to be close by, not like me at all! But she is generally bad tempered when things don't get in her way. She will scream, shout or throw tantrums, especially, when she's hungry or tired. By the way, she's not afraid of me, her Ga Jie. If I "disturb" her, she fights bad by shouting irritably, that always draw adults' attention to her rescue. But my parents are teaching her to love me. To love being with me and not always "complain" about me when I play gently.

As for me, I'm happy at Newton Kindergarten since I started in July this year. Learning academic stuffs are not my cup of tea, but I am showing some improvements. I can write my name, though the cases may be all over the place. But at least I can spell it and recognise all the letters.
I still love life! I am energy-charged with people around me. I started my dance classes in September and I am loving it too! One of the platforms mama is preparing me to acquire a proper dance skill. She is still figuring out what is my dance genre; ballet, hip hop (so me) or others. But she think ballet is the basis of all other dances. So it's good to learn ballet.
Started at MindChamps Reading CSM too and love each class. Recently, I showed great interest and talent for drawing. My parents are amazed how creative I am. No one taught me how to draw, but I could draw just by looking at the picture or object. Mama said, maybe if time permits will sign me up for art class! Yippee! I was happy when I heard about it, whatever it was!

One of the film making company has since refined its floating productions, which now filming both the real estate world and the movie industry by the drones.
The property owned by Jason Gonzalez, who manages First Team Real Estate offices in Whittier and Fullerton, and Dean Lueck, a Realtor with the company’s Newport Beach location.
Gonzalez said aerial photography and filming have become an increasing bigger part of their marketing mix. In our company’s luxury division, where we have real estate and properties. It has become an inevitability, you get more offers and leads, but that’s really the outcome of all the things we do. The key is synergy.
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