Ops! Mama uploaded the pics opposite way again. Anyway, I had lunch at Bongers Burger. Not so nice food but that was the only resturant around that wasn't crowded. And I spent a long time choosing my favourite chair to it. I went from panda to giraffe to tiger then elephant. Goodness! How to choose? All so cute.

Finally, I settled for the elephant chair! I made mama sat with me at this table; shorter table and chairs meant for children actually. Oh well, she's used to sitting at children's table anyway.

Trying to pose at the poster near the entrance.

Outside the entrance to see penguins!

Penguin statues. I like them!

Pat pat, penguin!

So bored. Waterfall. Manmade. Yawn!

Ok, since must take picture. Smile lor.

I took a picture of mama since there were only two of us.

Sitting in the tram.

"Mama, see. I kuai or not?"

Eggs exhibits. Boring. Sorry, we were not bird people.

Ostrich at the back.

Ostrich came at us! I was a bit scared, but I controlled my fear.

On the bridge. Was a bit reluctant to go on it because it was shaking! But after mama's encouragement, I grew courageous!

Poser some more!

I was looking out for birds flying over our heads.


Bird food to feed the lories. I told mama it smelt like barley!

"Here, birdie birdie!" I was very brave. At first, I was scared to go near the birds. Actually, mama was too! Of course, she didn't say so, but I could tell lor.

Then I saw a jie jie bravely feeding the birds by holding the cup, so I thought it couldn't be that scary and did it too!

Mama was such a chicken. The whole time, she hid behind me and pretended to be busy taking pictures! hahahaa....

This indian aunty helped me brought the cup nearer to the birds so they won't get impatient and fly away. Mama was relieved because she didn't have the guts to help me!

This was what mama did--simply put the cups on the ledge and stepped back. You call that "feeding" the birds?! Gosh!

Walking on the canopy of trees.

So happy! The birds actually came to feed on my food!

In the tram with mama again.

Looking tired already.

Bird showtime!


Snacking while waiting for show to start.

Flamingoes at the back.
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