EVANGELIA = Bringer of Good News

KAY XUN = Declaring that God is Awesome

RAE-ANN = Lamb

KAY YAN = Amazing Grace

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bye Bye CM!

My last few days at CM. I miss my teachers, they are nice. I like Ms Christina for being fun and creative, just like me! She taught me alot of fun songs and actions. I like Ms Ow for being sweet and kind. Always looking out for our welfare. I like Zhang Lao Shi for her being gentle and patient too. Will miss alot more other teachers, like Yvonne jie jie (HQ), Ms Irene (HQ), Ellen jie jie (HQ), Ms Seng, Qu Lao Shi, Ms Zie, Ms Ivy and Ms Kwee Eng especially. Thanks for loving me and giving me a fun time learning and growing there. Throwing things in the plastic bag.
Flour on my face!

Making dough.
Cheeky time!
Flour-y face!
My purple dough!
Adding colourings into the dough.
Ariel and I drawing on Ms Christina's hand. She's a spoting teacher. She is game with anything fun!

The boy next to me is Zachary. One day, I went home to my grams and mentioned his name to them. Yeye replied, "How come nowadays, parents will name their child "Chicken wing?" Hahhaaa....Guess I mispronounced his name, it came out as "chicken wing" to them!
New found skill--cutting with scissors. Since then, I have been cutting papers around the house. Mama had to get a plastic pair for safety!


Owl Eng said...

Hot Mummy of Evangelia, we miss you a lo... Still can't get used to the work life without you around. Ms Yvonne told me today she missed Lia very very much...
sob sob...

Baby E said...

we miss you all too. but not those others, you know who lah! kekeke...catch up again soon! take care!