6 days after mui mui got home from the hospital, she had to admit again as her jaundice level went up. Her eyes, face and neck were yellow. She had to stay for 48 hours and my parents had to leave her there. Mama was heart broken. But it was for Rae-Ann's good.

Mama couldn't help but cried when she went into the phytotheraphy room to leave mui mui in the care of the nurse. So poor thing....the babies had to be stripped and wore eye mask to protect their eyes. They were only picked up to change diapers or for feeding.

But Mama could bring Rae-Ann out of the room to breastfeed her. Jaundice babies are always sleepy and tired. So breastfeeding for them are rather difficult because they had to suckle harder than from bottles. But Rae-Ann was 'hardworking'. Sometimes she couldn't latch on after half an hour of struggle, but sometimes she could. I must say mui mui did a good job, she tried really hard even though she was bawling in hunger!

Papa carrying mui mui in the nursing room.
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