At Fish and Co, IMM.
(Ops, Mama uploaded the pics in reverse order--night then pm. And she is too lazy to rearrange, no time. So visualize it yourself in reverse order, ok?)
We went to Uncle KS and Aunty Evelyn's house after Titus's celebration for a game of WII. Then we went to Fish and Co, IMM, to meet Uncle Edwin, Aunty Su and Baby Sophie.
Baby Sophie is so cuddly!
Baby Sophie checking out my bony hand?! Was she hungry?!
We stared at different angles. Hmmm....
Mama and Papa brought me to Titus's 1st birthday celebration at Bangkok Jam, Great World City. I was asleep when they sang the birthday song. When I woke up, was grouchy as usual. Refused to play with anyone. But soon warmed up when we were about to leave. Happy Birthday Titus!!
Aunty Yanni took some pics of me! And I gracefully posed for her.

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