I'm sick since last Saturday. I couldn't go out; no church, no shopping malls, no beach, no swimming....:( So miserable. My nose keeps runny, and my cough's bad, worse, I have fever up and down.
Sigh. Mama says staying home to look after me is more tiring than to bring me out for the weekends. I keep running about (strange, the medicine is supposed to knock me out), touching things that I am not supposed to, throwing things out from drawers, climbing on sofa, the list goes on.
Plus, I hate taking medication. So my dear parents had to resort to "force". You need 2 persons to make me swallow the medicines. One to pin me down, the other to force it down my throat. Can I sue them for child abuse?! I guess not. I know they meant well and medicines are absolute necessary. But I just can't open my mouth to take them. No one could make me drink without me putting up my best struggle and cry. Not even my favourite persons; Yeye and Nai Nai.
So this is why my poor Mama and Papa are so tired out. Mama dread medication time because she simply can't harden her heart to put me through this ordeal, yet very much needed so that I can get well. Worse, my appetite wasn't good. So can you imagine, every 4 to 6 hour interval, there's a "war" going on. If you intend to look after me even for a day, you need literal loads of patience and love, and this is not being cliche! And I must say, I am blessed with these wonderful people who really cares for me.
Monday, at Nai Nai's house was cool. I got to watch Hi-Five like nobody's biz, hmm...actually, started nobody's biz since last Saturday lah. Now I'm into Hi-Five! I can watch intently and followed the dances for a good 1 hr! Not good Mama, would say. But since I'm sick and cranky most of the time, they relented.
Soon, my good happy Hi-Five marathon days would be over! So bye for now! I'm off to watch some more! Oh, and now, at 7pm, I'll point to the TV and say, "Ah Wang!" He's my new favourite character!