Before going into a pram, this is how I'll look--happy! After going into a pram, I typically look like this. Well, at least for the first 1 min before Papa will use his firm and loud voice to stop me. (You must be wondering what will Mama do, right? Actually, she's mainly the reason why I'll whine in a pram! "Mama, mama.....bao bao..")
I went Toa Payoh Central with Papa and Mama one evening. Don't know why I kept dancing around and saying (think I meant to sing), "Boi yee....boi yee...!"
Mama and Papa were trying to figure out what that was. And the words came with actions. I swayed my hands from left to right and did some feet stamping. (Mama's thinking)Hmmm...perhaps from Hi Five?!
Mama has been trying to look for a school for me to attend next year since May. But most schools that she thought were good are full for next year already!! She had thought of a childcare so I can learn some self help skills which I'm lack in. Perhaps, in a school setting with my own peers, I'll succumb to healthy "peer pressure" and start to feed myself, eat my food, dress myself, brush my teeth....which I refuse at home to do. Mama has seen kids like me thrive better off in school than at home. Maybe it all has to do with kids like me with a "people oriented" nature. We are easily influenced by people (well, except for people I see day in and out like my parents lah! "Yawn" boring!)
So Mama thought that the Montessori method of teaching could be a good start because they teach alot on independence and self help skills. Their activities promote intrinsically motivated child. Well, that is, if their programme is sound.
Mama went to one school 2 bus stops away from my home. But that Yaya boss told Mama and Papa to bring me down for an assessment!! As if I am a freak patient! Papa was offended. They didn't even say I had a real issue, just shared about my diet problem. And the boss said though they have waiting list, he'll still SELECT from the list who he wants to join in. Err...I thought waiting list is based on first come first served, right? I pity the first guy in the queue man.
Oh and he also said my house is too far even after my desperate parents told him they're fine with the distance. Really so yaya! Anyways, Mama wasn't very impressed with the environment. Such a small place to squeeze 55 kids! Just 2 classrooms; from 18 months to 6 years old?! It was really noisy when they were there.
Anyways, the yaya boss told my parents to email him; like to remind him that they're keen and want to make another appointment to bring me down for THE assessment. Mama was pissed that he didn't even bothered to pen down their contacts as per those who wants sales. Throughout their time there, he just kept rattling about things Mama already knew, which she tried to hint (very obviously!)to him so he would ask and stop blabbering away arrogantly! So in conclusion, OUT!
So one day, Mama thought, "Chey! What Montessori! I also know!" And she did exactly what a Montessori school would do. Actually, Mama, it's not the method, I just wanna play with friends!!!! :P
But I played along to entertain her (so kind of me), when she gave me the materials for me to learn scooping; from left to right (for literacy awareness), I showed her what I could do. My eye hand co-ordination was there, I could scoop from left to right and transfer objects as well. Just that my concentration lasted less than 5 minutes. What do you expect? It's my first time and I'm just a kido! Will do better next time. And Mama better be thinking of better materials next time as I'll get bored soon!
I had observed Nai Nai doing house work for quite sometime. So one day, I took a piece of wet wipe (and sometimes Papa and Mama would "scream" their heads off because I can be very wasteful) and started wiping the study room. I took very great care of Papa's precious toys, especially, his bao bei transformers! Observe how I took down a Bumble Bee and cleaned the shelf, seriously.
Usually, if someone's holding a camera, I'll run next to the person to see the screen. But that day, I totally couldn't be bothered with Mama who was filming me. I did my "chores" like a real cleaner! HEhehehee...
Papa and Mama are hoping I'll be an excellent helper soon so they can do less of the house work. Hmmm...let see if they can get me a neat toy! I'll consider.....
Papa and Mama brought me to Uncle KS's house last Saturday for a Wii party. It was a party for the adults, of course! Especially, for Uncle Edwin and Papa. They played like they had never been so happy. The games were so fun that Papa said he wanted to go back and play again! Gosh! He still says I'm the playful one. Strange...
Anyways, I didn't cry at Uncle Edwin like I used to. Maybe because I took my nap already and was wide awake. Or perhaps, I finally realised he's not a real intimidating adult after seeing him played like a kid?!?! hahahaha :P
Oh, and I got my neck entangled by the kitchen drape. The playful me kept going through the drapes for the thrill, and almost got strangled by it. Thank God, Papa was there to catch me before the string got tighter when I fell. I suffered superficial abrasion across my neck only. Think I'm barred from the kitchen the next time I'm there.
Oh, and also... Thanks, Uncle KS and Aunty Evelyn (if you're reading this!) for the thought of buying me a pair of Crocs! Papa and Mama are touched that you dote on me too :) It's no wonder you're one of my favourite uncles and aunties!hehehehehee.....But seriously, no need to waste money, ok? Just play with me more often, I'll be happy!
Mama and Papa bought me a new set of cutlery from Ikea. Very interesting colour and one of my favourite animals too--frog! Mama was hoping that the new and interesting cutlery will encourage me to feed myself and eat more too. Sadly, after about a day, I was sian! Then I started to play with food. But they are not giving up. Oh, and Mama just found out that Papa gave Nai Nai a hard time too when he was young! He also took a very long time to finish his food. Nai Nai told Poh Poh one day, that he used to eat till the whole pot of porridge turned watery! That was how long he took. Hehehhee..some things run inthe family blood. So not really my fault, right?!?!? :P
Papa brought me to Bishan Park last Saturday morning. Mama had to prepare for my lunch and dinner (to pack for chuch in the evening) and went market to buy me more T-shirts and shorts, and their own lunch. Any fat chance that I look a little more like Papa???? Maybe the eye balls?!?!? I waved hello! Looking at dogs. Sorry, too engrossed to take more photos.
After battling with 5 days of high fever, I was back to my usual active and bouncy self. Mama missed that about me most. But I am very sensitive whenever anyone tries to touch my body after many trips to the doctors and a painful blood test. So this picture was the best Mama could take. Many cluttered red spots on my back and in fact, whole body. Trying to glance at the camera screen. See the red spots on my face? Thank God not alot. Hazeline kid model! Nai Nai uses this to "cool" my itch. I love it!
My whole body is covered with red spots. It's finally confirmed, or rather, more or less, that I am having "fake" measles by my PD. Couldn't be dengue, if so, my fever will still linger. But thank God, my temperature is normal for a couple of days now.
Not the antibiotics "fault" too, if so, the red spots would have subsided in 1 to 2 days' time, but the spots seems to be multiplying. :( Apart from itching near my nappy area, I am still active and bouncy.
Pray that my spots and itch will go away for good tomorrow, ya?! I'm lookng forward to play with Joanie Mei Mei, go to the zoo, swimmng, shopping, Kindermusik......:p
Ye Ye has been working on shifts now, again. And that means I get to go gai gai with him when he's not working in the day! Yeah! Recently, they brought me to the beaches to play with water and sight see.
I have been having high fever since Monday. Nai Nai was awaken by my cry at 3am and to her horror, my body was burning hot! 39.6 degrees. At one point in the day, it went up to 41 degrees.
My trauma started with Papa and Mama rushing from home the early morning to see me, and Papa had to be the baddie, to feed me medication. I always hated taking medicines, or even supplements for that matter. Anything that has to go through my diamond mouth is highly scrutinized by me. Yes, by now you should know, even FOOD! At the sight of him with a spoonful of medicine, I cried and struggled.
Mama had to hold me tight so Papa could feed me. But hey! As I grew older, I had mastered the art of vomiting, and so, the young merlion emerged! I think by now, I had vomited about 4 times; from too much fear and crying.
What to do, Papa blames Mama for it because he said it's her genes! Anyways, I didn't get any better today. Still hovering between 38.something to 39 degrees. My parents are worried sick. Worse, I didn't co-operate in taking medicines or drinking ling yang/any other cooling drinks. Yesterday was worse, I refused to take in any water, just clung onto Mama with my dear life. Any movement from anyone would set me crying and trembling in fear; even if they were to just walked passed me or Mama just touched my messy hair.
The 'torture' to swallow in all the medicine, and oh yes, seeing the GP had caused me to be paraniod over the slightest thing. Papa and Mama brought me to the GP as most PDs were fully booked yesterday. I kicked up a big fuss in her room! I literally kicked the GP, that is. Sorry, Dr Chua!
Please pray for me. I want to go swimming, zoo, beach and Toys R us!
Recently, I love to dance excessively! Don't know why, but each time when there is music that I like from VCDs, CDs, advertisements, even handphone's melodies, I'll dance! Most of the time, I'll pull an adult along to dance with me too. In the video below, Papa was exhausted. Too bad, I didn't let him rest. I thought he kept complaining of a lack of time to exercise?!?!?
Feeding my favourite pal--Barney. Stirring and mixing..... Feeding his "new " friends too--piggy and teddy..... " Barney, you're too purple. Please eat more!" "All yours, piggy!" Yum!
One night, when Papa was bringing clothes off the bamboo poles, I had an inspiration--pole dancing! Thanks to Papa, I danced around the pole happily. Then I saw Mama with a camera, I thought she wanted to take photos so I posed for her. But I didn't know she was actually taking video! In any case, I struck my best poses.
Nowadays, I like to go into my parents' bathroom. Especially when either of them are in there, I'll barge in. I would touch the dustbin, soap dispenser, play with water on the floor, towels.....hmmmm....some adults call this naughty. But I think I'm just getting familiarize with bathrooms because soon, I'll be using it more often. :P
Once when Mama was bathing and she was alone in the house with me, I had to go in and disturbed her. I went under the shower with her and boy, it was so much more fun than playing with that miserable paddle of water on the floor, I tell you!
My doting Poh Poh bought me a mini drum set recently! I was thrilled the moment I saw it at her house! I dashed and sat on the chair and started hitting the drums like a pro.
Thank God for Poh Poh! Actually, Mama wanted to buy a set like this for me, but Poh Poh overtook her! In any case, I got what I wanted. Hahahahaaa..... Papa said if I'm good enough, he shall bring me to Orchard Road; to learn extra money for my further education!
Sorry the video is inverted. Papa has been hinting to Mama that he needed a new phone; and must be PDA phone!:P They will fight it out. Not my problem.
I have always loved music. I had listened to classical, Chinese pop, Christian contemporary, and many other music since I was in Mama's tummy. Mama said each time after she played a song, I would spend the next few minutes moving and kicking hard in her womb. So she also used that to "test" if I was alright whenever I didn't make a stir for sometime!
Ever since outside her cosy womb, I respond quickly to music too. Now I love dancing and clapping during praise and worship in service, apart from Hi Five and Barney. I think Mama listened excessively to Planet Shakers, Hillsongs and Parachute Band during her pregnancy. She had a strong craving for it then! Now, I would get "high" on fast songs! So for slow songs I would sway a bit, clap a little, but after a while I get bored with it. Hehehehhee....
Our Names: G1--Evangelia Lum Kay Xun G2--Rae-Ann Lum Kay Yan Our Birthdays: G1--13 November 2006 G2--2 August 2009
Our Place of Birth: Mt Alvernia Hospital
Our Time of Birth: G1--7.52pm G2--9.57pm
Our Weight at Birth: G1--3.32kg G2--2.88kg Mama laboured for: G1--13 hours (natural) G2--Less than 1 hour (C-section)
Name of gynea: Dr. Henry Cheng First person who saw me (other than God & Dr): G1--Papa! And he teared with joy! :) G2--Papa, of course! And he was told I had umbilical cord around my neck twice. (Thank God for His grace)